
All of my eBooks below are available for purchase and download from Amazon.

Click here.


Common Strata Plants (eBook)

This is a simple picture book with the first 100+ landscape plants you must know.


Vas on Grass (eBook) 

This eBook answers 33 pressing lawn care questions. By pressing I mean many people asked the same question.


How to become a landscape pro (eBook)

This eBook is a quick guide from me to new landscapers who wish to enter the trade and become professionals.


Treated like dirt! (eBook)

True stories from the landscape showing you what the real life looks like for landscapers in the field.


Landscape tree maintenance (eBook)

Here I argue that homeowners can do a lot of their own tree work. But I don't recommend working on mature trees; hire professionals so you don't get injured or worse. 


On training landscape apprentices (eBook)

Lessons straight from the field for new workers.